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First Steps

First Request

Do you want to see the simplest and most robust HTTP Request? He's already here!

from typing import Annotated
from sensei import Router, Path, APIModel

router = Router('')

class Pokemon(APIModel):
    name: str
    id: int
    height: int
    weight: int

def get_pokemon(name: Annotated[str, Path(max_length=300)]) -> Pokemon: 

pokemon = get_pokemon(name="pikachu")
Pokemon(name='pikachu' id=25 height=4 weight=60)


If you don't know what are "request", "response" "route", "endpoint", "methods" and other HTTP terms, visit HTTP Requests

Let's take this request step by step.

Step 1: Importing Dependencies

from typing import Annotated
from sensei import Router, Path, APIModel

Annotated is imported from Python's typing module, allowing us to add metadata (like Param Types) to variables.

Router, Path, and APIModel are imported from the Sensei framework.

  • Router helps manage API endpoints and routing.
  • Path specifies path (route) parameters and defines the argument's validation.
  • APIModel is used to define models for structuring API responses.

Step 2: Creating a Router

router = Router('')

A Router instance is created, with the base URL of the PokéAPI ( This will be the root path for all subsequent API calls.

Step 3: Defining the Pokemon Model

class Pokemon(APIModel):
    name: str
    id: int
    height: int
    weight: int

Pokemon is a class that inherits from APIModel. This class represents the structure of a Pokémon's data. The attributes are:

  • name: a string
  • id: an integer
  • height: an integer
  • weight: an integer

Technical Details

APIModel inherits from pydantic.BaseModel. You can apply the principles of pydantic for models in Sensei

Step 4: Defining the Routed Function

def get_pokemon(name: Annotated[str, Path(max_length=300)]) -> Pokemon: 

This function is decorated with @router.get, defining it as a GET request for the /pokemon/{name} endpoint.


Decorator is a design pattern that allows you to modify or extend the behavior of functions or methods without changing their code directly.

In Python, they are applied using the @decorator syntax just above a function definition. In most cases, the decorator is some function, taking function and returning modified(decorated) function

The {name} is a path parameter, dynamically inserted into the API call.

  • name: is an argument annotated as a string with Path, meaning it is a required URL path parameter. Also, in Path we defined validation rules, namely checking whether the length of the name is less or equal then 300. Path is placed in Annotated object as metadata.

Routed Function

Instead of @router.get, you can use the other operations (HTTP methods):

  • @router.put
  • @router.delete
  • @router.patch
  • @router.head
  • @router.options

These decorators are called route decorators and the result of these decorators is called routed function (method). Sometimes, if it is clear from the context that we are talking about a routed function, we will shorten this name to a route.


Routed functions must not have the body. This code will not be executed. Instead of the body, place the pass keyword.

def get_pokemon(name: Annotated[str, Path(max_length=300)]) -> Pokemon:

The function body is omitted because Sensei automatically handles the API call and response mapping. In this case, the function returns a Pokemon object, ensuring that the data fetched from the API matches the Pokemon model. The return type we will also call response type.


This "omitting" pattern is called Interface-driven function or Signature-driven function, because we do not write any code achieving the result. We dedicate this responsibility to some tool, parsing the function's interface(signature). According to it, the tool handles a call automatically. This pattern is the key to how Sensei achieves declarative and metaprogramming code styles.

Step 5: Making the API Call

pokemon = get_pokemon(name="pikachu")

Let's consider the algorithm of the call:

1) Calling the get_pokemon function with the argument name="pikachu".

2) Collecting the function's return type and arguments' names, types and values; Param Types, such as Path, Query, Body, Cookie, Header, File, and Form, including argument validations placed inside them.

3) Validating input args. In this case name="pikachu"

4) Sending HTTP request.

5) Validating and mapping response, according to the return type

Async Request

If you want to make an asynchronous request, the code will be almost the same:

import asyncio
from typing import Annotated
from sensei import Router, Path, APIModel

router = Router('')

class Pokemon(APIModel):
    name: str
    id: int
    height: int
    weight: int

async def get_pokemon(name: Annotated[str, Path(max_length=300)]) -> Pokemon:

async def main() -> None:
    pokemon = await get_pokemon(name="pikachu")

Only add async before def!


If you don't know what are "concurrency", "parallelism" and what does do "async/await" in Python, visit Concurrency/Parallelism

API Model

As mentioned earlier, APIModel models use the same principles as BaseModel models from pydantic. You can explore its documentation, to learn info for advanced users. To make request with non-scalar input/output values, you definitely need to create models. Let’s go over the basics!


from sensei import APIModel
from pydantic import EmailStr, NonNegativeInt

class User(APIModel):
    id: NonNegativeInt
    username: str
    email: EmailStr
    age: int = 18
    is_active: bool = True

Models created using APIModel have validation. This means if you pass a value not matching corresponding field constraints, ValidationError will be thrown.

User(id=-1, username="user", email="randomstr", age=18.01, is_active=-1)

4 validation errors for User id Input should be greater than or equal to 0 [type=greater_than_equal, input_value=-1, input_type=int] For further information visit email value is not a valid email address: An email address must have an @-sign. [type=value_error, input_value='randomstr', input_type=str] age Input should be a valid integer, got a number with a fractional part [type=int_from_float, input_value=18.01, input_type=float] For further information visit is_active Input should be a valid boolean, unable to interpret input [type=bool_parsing, input_value=-1, input_type=int] For further information visit

In this User model, the fields are:

  1. id: an integer for the user ID. NonNegativeInt ensures that the value >= 0.
  2. username: a string for the username.
  3. email: validated by the EmailStr type from pydantic, ensuring a valid email.
  4. age: an integer defaulting to 18.
  5. is_active: a boolean defaulting to True.


Value validation is not force-type validation. For example, if you define a model with id, due_date, and priority fields of types int, bool, and datetime respectively, you can pass:

  • numerical string as id
  • ISO-8601, UTC or strings of the other date formats as due_date
  • 'yes'/'no', 'on'/'off', 'true'/'false', 1/0 etc. as priority
from sensei import APIModel
from datetime import datetime

class Task(APIModel):
    id: int
    due_date: datetime
    priority: bool

task = Task(due_date='2024-10-15T15:30:00', id="1", priority="yes")

The result will be

Task(id=1, due_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 15, 15, 30), priority=True)


Constrained Types

In addition to built-in validation like EmailStr or NonNegativeInt, you can enforce more specific constraints in your models using Constrained types, like constr and conint.

  • constr: Enforces restrictions on a string field, like setting a minimum or maximum length, or allowing only certain characters.
  • conint: Enforces restrictions on an integer field, such as minimum and maximum value.

For instance, in the User model, you can add constraints for the username, id, and age fields. Here's an updated version of the User model:

from sensei import APIModel
from pydantic import EmailStr, conint, constr

class User(APIModel):
    id: conint(ge=0)  # (1)!
    username: constr(pattern=r'^\w+$')  # (2)!
    email: EmailStr
    age: conint(ge=14) = 18  # (3)!
    is_active: bool = True
  1. Ensures id is a non-negative integer
  2. Allows only alphanumeric characters and underscores
  3. Ensures the age is 14 or older


There are also many constrained types called by pattern con<type>:

  • conset
  • conbytes
  • conlist
  • etc...

Field Types

The same validation rules can also be applied using Field. There are two approaches to use it.

Technical Details

Sensei's Param Types, such as Path, Query, Cookie, Header, Body, File, and Form are inherited from FieldInfo, produced by the Field function. All approaches that will be described are applied to param types.


Here’s how you can rewrite the same User model using Annotated:

from typing import Annotated
from sensei import APIModel
from pydantic import EmailStr, Field

class User(APIModel):
    id: Annotated[int, Field(ge=0)]  # (1)!
    username: Annotated[str, Field(pattern=r'^\w+$')]  # (2)!
    email: EmailStr
    age: Annotated[int, Field(18, ge=14)]  # (3)! 
    is_active: bool = True
  1. Same as conint(ge=0)
  2. Same as constr(pattern=r'^\w+$')
  3. Same as conint(ge=14)

Setting the default value of age can be achieved in different ways:

  1. Passing default value as an argument to Field

    age: Annotated[int, Field(18, ge=14)]  
  2. Or a familiar way

    age: Annotated[int, Field(ge=14)] = 18  

For simplicity, you can use Field() directly, without Annotated.

Here’s how you can rewrite the User model:

from sensei import APIModel
from pydantic import EmailStr, Field

class User(APIModel):
    id: int = Field(ge=0)  # (1)!
    username: str = Field(regex=r'^\w+$')  # (2)!
    email: EmailStr
    age: int = Field(18, ge=14)  # (3)! 
    is_active: bool = True
  1. Same as conint(ge=0)
  2. Same as constr(pattern=r'^\w+$')
  3. Same as conint(ge=14)

Here setting the default value of age can be achieved in only one way.

age: int = Field(18, ge=14)


If you use Field Types simultaneously with Constrained Types, you should know about validation priority.

  1. When using Field directly, Constrained Type takes precedence over Field.

    username: constr(min_length=5) = Field(min_length=10)

  2. When use Field + Annotated, Field take precedence over Constrained Type.

    username: Annotated[constr(min_length=5), Field(min_length=10)]


In addition to using Constrained Types and Fields for validation, you can also define custom validation logic in your model using validators. Validators allow you to apply more complex validation rules that cannot be easily expressed using the built-in types or field constraints.

Here's an example of how you can validate the email field:

import re
from sensei import APIModel
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import Field, field_validator

class User(APIModel):
    id: Annotated[int, Field(ge=0)]
    username: Annotated[str, Field(pattern=r'^\w+$')]
    email: str
    age: Annotated[int, Field(18, ge=14)]
    is_active: bool = True

    def validate_email(cls, value):
        pattern = r'^[\w\.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$'
        if not re.match(pattern, value):
            raise ValueError(f"Email '{value}' does not match the required pattern.")

        return value

Validator is defined through the @field_validator decorator from pydantic. You can pass one or more field names to @field_validator, to determine what fields will use this validator, or '*' to apply validator for every field. The decorator is applied to a class method, which takes the value of a field as an argument and returns the validated (or transformed) value. This method can also raise a ValueError or TypeError to signal a validation failure.


In situations, when you use @field_validator along with other validators, like built-in Field, you may need to set the execution order of your custom validator. There is mode argument, to customize it.

  • mode="before" - validator is executed before the pydantic internal parsing.
  • mode="after" - validator is executed after the pydantic internal parsing.
  • mode="plain" - validator terminates other validators, no further validators are called
  • mode="wrap" - validator can run code before the pydantic internal parsing and after.

Here is an example of how to use comma-separated tags, in result will be represented as list[str]

from sensei import APIModel
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import Field, field_validator

class Video(APIModel):
    tags: Annotated[list[str], Field(min_length=1)]

    @field_validator('tags', mode="before")
    def _split_str(cls, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return value.split(',')
            return value

Video(tags=['trend', 'unreal', 'good'])


To serialize a model, you can use the model_dump method.

user = User(id=1, username="johndoe", email="[email protected]", age=30)
user_data = user.model_dump(mode="json")
  "id": 1,
  "username": "johndoe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "age": 30,
  "is_active": True


If you use a model in another request or want to write it to a file, you should serialize it with mode="json".

user_data = user.model_dump(mode="json")

For example, if you have some field with datetime object, this mode evaluates this time as a string.

from sensei import APIModel
from datetime import datetime

class Task(APIModel):
    due_date: datetime

task = Task(due_date=datetime(2024, 10, 15, 15, 30)).model_dump(mode="json")
  "date": '2024-10-15T15:30:00',

Routed Methods

You can create a model that performs both validation and making requests. This OOP Style is called Routed Model (we will explore it later).

from typing import Annotated
from typing_extensions import Self
from sensei import APIModel, Router, Path
from pydantic import NonNegativeInt, EmailStr

router = Router('')

class User(APIModel):
    id: NonNegativeInt
    username: str
    email: EmailStr

    def get(cls, id_: Annotated[NonNegativeInt, Path()]) -> Self: 
        pass # (1)!
  1. This is called routed method

The algorithm is the following:

  1. Create a Router instance

    router = Router('')

  2. Define endpoints through routed methods

    def get(cls, id_: Annotated[NonNegativeInt, Path()]) -> Self: 

As a result, User.get returns User object:

user = User.get(1)

Routed Model is a good practice to organize endpoints in one class when they are related to one model.


You must not decorate a method as routed in a class not inherited from APIModel. This makes it impossible to use Preparers/Finalizers, which we will learn in the future, and can lead to issues in the other situations.

For instance, there is a common error to use BaseModel for the same purpose as APIModel:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Annotated
from typing_extensions import Self
from sensei import Router, Path
from pydantic import NonNegativeInt

router = Router('')

class User(BaseModel):
    def get(cls, id_: Annotated[NonNegativeInt, Path()]) -> Self: 


Sensei abstracts away much of the manual work, letting developers focus on function signatures while the framework handles the API logic and data validation.

The example of First Request demonstrates a simple and robust HTTP request using the Sensei framework. Here's the key breakdown of the process:

1. Importing Dependencies:

  • Router manages API endpoints and routing.
  • Path specifies and validates route parameters.
  • APIModel defines models for structuring API responses (similar to pydantic.BaseModel).

2. Creating the Router:

The Router is initialized with the base URL of the PokéAPI. All subsequent requests will use this as the base path.

3. Defining the Model:

The Pokemon class represents the data structure for a Pokémon, with fields like name, id, height, and weight. It inherits from APIModel, which provides validation and serialization.

4. Creating the Endpoint:

The get_pokemon function is a routed function decorated with @router.get, defining a GET request for/pokemon/{name}. This uses Annotated to ensure that name is a string and adheres to the validation rule (max length of 300).

5. Making the Request:

By calling get_pokemon(name="pikachu"), Sensei automatically handles validation, makes the HTTP request, and maps the API response into the Pokemon model. The code omits the function body since Sensei handles calls through the function's signature.